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Ijen Volcano Tourism

    Ijen volcano Tourism complex is a group composite Mountain located on the border between Banyuwangi and Bondowoso Regency East Java, Indonesia. From surabaya driving about 7 hours. it is inside a larger caldera Ijen, which is about 20 kilometres wide. The Gunung Merapi stratovolcano is the highest point of that complex. The name “Gunung Merapi” means “mountain of fire” in the Indonesian language (api being “fire”); Mount Merapi in central Java and Marapi in Sumatra have the same etymology.

    Ijen Tourism

    Ijen Volcano or Ijen Crater?

    West of Gunung Merapi is the Ijen volcano, which has a one-kilometre-wide turquoise-coloured acidic crater. Lake is the site of a labour-intensive sulfur mining operation, in which -laden baskets are carried by hand from crater floor. The work is paid well considering the cost of living in the area, but is very onerous. Workers earn around IDR 100-200K per day and once out of the crater, still need to carry their loads of sulfur chunks three kilometers to the nearby Paltuding Valley to get paid.

    The lake is recognised as the largest highly acidic crater lake in the world. It is also a source for the river Banyupahit, resulting in highly acidic and metal-enriched river water which has a significant detrimental effect on the downstream river ecosystem. On July 14–15, 2008, explorer George Kourounis took a small rubber boat out onto the acid lake to measure its acidity. The pH of the water in the lake’s edges was measured to be 0.5 and in the middle of the lake 0.13 due to high sulfuric acid concentration. By Wikipedia

    Most Tourist doing Bromo Ijen Tour!

    Adventurers who hike down into the steaming Ijen Crater—known as Kawah Ijen—in East Java at night will be rewarded with one of rarest and most spectacular, natural light shows on Earth—the mystical “Blue Fire.” But what is it and how can you see it? We’ve put together some top tips below.

    What Makes the Fire Blue?

    When the darkness falls, Ijen Crater comes alive with electric-blue flames that appear to be cascading across rocks like molten lava. This phenomenon is actually caused by combustion of sulfur, of which Ijen has some of highest levels in the world. Sulfuric gases are released from cracks rock high pressure and temperatures sometimes in excess of 100° celcius, which then reacts with air, igniting into soaring flames of up to 5 meters. Some of the gases condense into liquid sulfur, which then causes the “lava flowing” effect.

    What Do I Need to Wear?

    We will be setting off on the trek around 1:30 am, when temperatures can drop to low single figures, so a warm jacket, gloves, and wooly hat are advisable. It’s best to wear layers that you can strip of as you go, once your heart is thumping from the steep incline of the trail, you won’t be feeling as cold. Also make sure to wear closed shoes with good grip, the track is dusty uneven, especially you descend into the crater. By : fodors

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